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Visioconférence et travail hybride

Service Management

Smart-Office + Services = Attractiveness Attractiveness is one of the main challenges facing business leaders and asset managers. For the former, it’s a question of encouraging employees to return to the office, and giving human resources managers strong arguments to motivate potential candidates to join the company. For the latter, it’s essential to keep existing…

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transformer les plateaux de bureaux avec le Flex-Office

Management of movable and immovable resources

Resource management, the cornerstone of Flex-Office Flex-Office means adapting resources to the needs of hybrid or mobile workers. Companies optimize their real estate costs by fitting out their premises. Some reduce their surface area according to the presence of employees, while others open up their premises to outside workers, creating coworking or corpoworking spaces. OMS…

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Visioconférence et travail hybride

Communications and digital signage

Digital signage, another corporate communications medium With so much content to share with visitors and employees, it can be difficult for communications departments and department heads to choose the right media. Email, whatsapp groups, Intranet, Teams… there are many different media, and without a precise strategy for associating type of content/communication medium (for example: email…

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Visioconférence et travail hybride


The keys to successful and productive videoconferencing Since the spread of hybrid working, videoconferencing – a key element of the Flex-Office – has rapidly established itself as the basis for effective collaboration. Depending on the options available, a videoconferencing system enables teams to continue collaborating wherever their members may be. But the basic function remains…

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réunion de travail en visioconférence

Digital reception

Digitalization to enhance the quality of our welcome The primary function of a reception service is to register visitors, inform them of the location of the meeting or accompany them to it, or even offer them a coffee to keep them waiting. On the one hand, he must apply the visit management process. On the…

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intéropérabilité des applications Smart-Office

Demo request

Smart Office, Flex Office, a demonstration is often more effective than a long speech! Smart-Office solutions offer a wide range of functions. What’s more, they are virtually infinitely customizable. For these reasons, it can sometimes be difficult to imagine the applications in your company… Our demonstration platform lets you immerse yourself in the world of…

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