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Flex-Office and company productivity

Smart-Office, a productivity tool for general management

Since the spread of hybrid working, the mission of general management and their teams has been to meet employees’ new expectations through the Flex-Office and its digital extension, the Smart-Office. And, of course, while meeting the company’s objectives. Weak economic growth, increasingly competitive markets, talent shortages and the “great resignation” are focusing managers’ attention on a vital indicator: productivity.

Smart Office, an optimization tool

Until now, growth prospects have been a key indicator for anticipating companies’ real estate and furniture needs. Today, the spread of hybrid working is reshuffling the deck. Until now, all that was needed to cope with the arrival of new employees was to increase office space. From now on, asset managers and senior management will have to take action at the level of resource management.

By optimizing the use of resources, Smart-Office tools enable senior management to adapt their resources in both directions, while ensuring that their departments operate at optimum efficiency.

Optimizing company assets
Managing your business with the Smart-Office

General Management: Manage your business with Smart-Office

Companies have generally been severely disrupted by the 100% telecommuting imposed by the Covid crisis. Since then, the return to hybrid working has led to major organizational and management changes. Team and project management, human resources management, use of real estate resources and equipment – the Smart-Office tools provide all departments with invaluable dashboards to help them carry out their missions. In this way, they guarantee that the company has the resources it needs to grow.

The Flex Office concerns all the company’s departments (General Management, Human Resources, General Services and Information Systems), as well as its employees. As a result, its implementation requires very careful transition management to ensure that it meets both employees’ expectations and the company’s objectives.

smart-office space management
Flex-Office room and equipment reservation tools
it's important to define a teleworking policy
foster collaboration with Smart-Office
connected lockers for flex-office