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combating the negative effects of hybrid working

The spread of hybrid working and Flex-Office

Propelled by general containment in 2019, telecommuting is now established in employees’ new work habits. But working 100% remotely soon showed its limits. Employees felt isolated and lacked reference points, and missed the closeness of colleagues. For their part, companies and managers were encountering difficulties with management, project follow-up and the integration of new talent, for example. In some cases, the company’s culture could even be weakened… The Flex-Office was born…

Smart-Office, the digital tool of the Flex-Office

Aware of this situation, companies and employees are now opting for hybrid working, which enables employees to benefit from the advantages of working from home. Face-to-face work, on the other hand, maintains close links with the company and colleagues. Collaborative spaces are created in both face-to-face and remote environments. It’s easier for managers to keep track of their projects.

These fundamental changes in work organization are leading companies to review their entire processes. This transition requires the integration of technologies adapted to these uses. As a result, they need to adapt their workspaces to these new practices.

organization of teleworking with Flex-Office
Flex-Office saves companies money

Flex-Office concerns all company departments

Flex-office, or flexdesk, or desksharing, involves adapting the company and its real estate to the presence and needs of employees, and offering optimal conditions for teleworkers. It marks the end of the personal office, and advocates intelligent and appropriate use of not only workspaces (office, open-space, cubicle, etc.) but also all company resources.

Flex-Office concerns all company departments (General Management, Human Resources, General Services and Information Systems), as well as employees, and requires very careful management of the transition to ensure that employees’ expectations and the company’s objectives are properly met.