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transformer les plateaux de bureaux avec le Flex-Office

Technical incident management

Technical incident management to boost productivity One faulty light and your whole meeting goes down the drain… By the time you find the service or person responsible for repairing it, your room reservation slot will be gone. Whereas it’s likely that the person who preceded you in this room was aware of the problem. But,…

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intéropérabilité des applications Smart-Office

Technical Support

The OpenMySpace technical support team helps you get the most out of your Smart-Office solutions. OpenMySpace Technical Assistance If you have a technical question or simply need help, please fill in the form below. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Open a technical support request:

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contacter OpenMySpace

Contact us

Smart Office, Flex Office, don’t leave your questions unanswered! Implementing Flex Office in your company is not a matter of improvisation! Operating in a highly technical environment, Smart Office professionals use jargon that can be off-putting, or make people think that this arsenal of complicated technologies is reserved for large companies… Today, all companies are…

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Smart-Office and DSI

IT at the heart of a Smart-Office project The realization of a Flex-Office project lies in the deployment of Smart-Office tools adapted to the objectives. Comprising digital hardware and software, these Smart-Office tools integrate and enhance the company’s IT system. For this reason, the Information Services Department (ISD) is heavily involved in the Smart-Office project.…

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Workplace et Flex-Office

Smart-Office and General Management

Smart-Office, a productivity tool for general management Since the spread of hybrid working, the mission of general management and their teams has been to meet employees’ new expectations through the Flex-Office and its digital extension, the Smart-Office. And, of course, while meeting the company’s objectives. Weak economic growth, increasingly competitive markets, talent shortages and the…

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