Technical incident management to boost productivity
One faulty light and your whole meeting goes down the drain… By the time you find the service or person responsible for repairing it, your room reservation slot will be gone. Whereas it’s likely that the person who preceded you in this room was aware of the problem. But, not knowing how to deal with it, she preferred to… forget it! And it’s often the same when, somewhere in the company, a breakdown, malfunction or poor condition of a resource is noted. It takes a “while” before the problem is taken care of and solved. Meanwhile, productivity is impacted.

When technical incidents impact brand image
Imagine you’re entertaining an important partner. You’ve probably prepared a presentation of your value proposition down to the last millimeter, and are ready to make a big splash. You show just how committed your company is to CSR. So, no matter how many times you explain that the temperature in the meeting room is too high because the air-conditioning isn’t working properly, or that the toilet is leaking because you’re waiting for a plumber to come, your partner remains doubtful…
Smart-Office facilitates incident management
In most companies, the time it takes to resolve a breakdown, malfunction or poor condition of a resource (equipment or premises) depends on the information being passed on to the relevant department. And in most cases, employees don’t know how or to whom to report their findings.
Smart-Office Incident Management applications make it quick and easy to report problems, so that they can be dealt with without delay.
Using a tablet in the office, or an application installed on the employee’s cell phone, the employee can :
- Scan the QR Code displayed in the room
- Describe the incident in detail
- Take a photo
- Locate the intervention site
Depending on the parameters defined, the application will create a ticket and notify the internal department or external service provider.
The centralized information provided by the application will enable theAsset Manager to better manage company resources and measure the efficiency of service providers .