Digital signage, another corporate communications medium
With so much content to share with visitors and employees, it can be difficult for communications departments and department heads to choose the right media. Email, whatsapp groups, Intranet, Teams… there are many different media, and without a precise strategy for associating type of content/communication medium (for example: email = professional content only, Intranet = confidential, whatsapp = information), the result can be counter-productive. On the one hand, the recipient may misjudge the importance of the message, and on the other, he or she will have difficulty finding it if necessary…

A differentiating communication channel
Digital signage provides communication departments with a new medium. Non-intrusive, the message comes to the attention of its readers without forcing them to be notified, without adding to the many messages still to be read.
Perfectly suited to QWL (Quality of Life at Work) communication, CSR promotion, corporate information and internal events, digital signage reinforces a sense of belonging and employer appeal.
Digital signage also lets you speak directly to your customers in sales areas, and to your staff at reception and in common areas of the company.
Manage your communications at a glance with OMS digital signage
OMS digital signage solutions make it easy to get your message across, and to reach your target audience. From your application, you can import, program and supervise your communications. These are displayed independently on the large screen in the reception area, on the tablets at the meeting room doors, on the screens in the relaxation rooms… at the time you choose, and for the duration you specify.
In the workplace, many screens are used to transmit a single piece of information. Wake them up with OMS’ digital signage solution (Application and Devices)!