Digitalization to enhance the quality of our welcome
The primary function of a reception service is to register visitors, inform them of the location of the meeting or accompany them to it, or even offer them a coffee to keep them waiting. On the one hand, he must apply the visit management process. On the other hand, it brings a warm human relationship with visitors, an essential element of a quality welcome.
Then, as time goes by, reception staff take on the management of mail, the receipt and distribution of parcels, restaurant and cab reservations, etc. In short, they are less and less often present at their posts, and above all less available to provide reception services…
By automating non-value-added tasks, smart-office solutions for digital reception and visitor management lighten the load on reception staff, who can then concentrate on their primary mission: human relations.

Digitalization for a simplified visitor experience
One of the significant advantages of OMS’s reception management solution is that it allows you toorganize the reception of visitors long before they arrive at the company!
Let’s take the example of Paul, who invites his customer Bruno to a business meeting at the company. Using his meeting management solution connected to his messaging software, Paul will send an invitation to Bruno. This invitation will, of course, include the dates and times of the meeting, as well as a map to get there. But Bruno will also receive a reserved parking space number, and possibly safety instructions. Bruno will also receive a QRCode.
Digital signage and interactive kiosks
On his arrival at the company, Bruno will see on thedigital signage screen that he is expected. He may be touched by this attention.
He will scan the QRCode on the digital tablet provided to self-register and issue an access control badge. His recording will alert Paul to his arrival, who will head for the meeting room. Bruno, guided by the geolocation function, can easily find Paul at the agreed location…

Optimizing reception resources
The Smart-Office OMS visitor management solution provides department managers with a detailed dashboard of visitor data. In this way, they can know in real time the number and identity of visitors, and their location within the company in case of need.
They have access to statistics that enable them to measure visitor numbers and adapt human and material resources toconstantly improve the visitor experience.